Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Has your student been lounging around, unable to motivate himself to do his school work?  We wish we had magic for you, but we don't.  We do have a few suggestions for your student, though....

  • Picture the positive results of choosing to do school work.
  • Think of short-term goals:  passing a test, attaining a good grade, and feeling proud.
  • Think of long-term goals:  passing a course, being admitted to college, starting a career, or obtaining a sports scholarship.  Brainstorm what can be done to attain this goal....
  • Consider the tangible and intangible rewards of doing well:  self-respect; praise, admiration and respect from others; possible gifts, money or a "special" day (WonderWorks, the mall....)
  • Set specific goals.  ("I'm going to study one hour each day to prepare for Friday's test.")
  • Rewards when goals are accomplished:  a bike ride, a tennis game, playing a video game, a special snack...
Don't be like Couldn't-Care-Less Kitty below....motivation isn't even in his vocabulary!



  1. Good advice! However, my observation of an empty cat food bowl is that the feline owner of the empty bowl becomes extremely motivated.... lol.

    1. Although our advice would be applicable to anyone seeking steps to becoming motivated, I think we have to exclude felines and their people -- they're clearly in a class unto themselves!!
